
Powerful Solutions to Support Your IT Infrastructure. 

Eliminate the challenges associated with on-premises server hosting such as complexity, noise interference, and security risks. We provide colocation services in flexible configurations within secure, industry-leading data centers. Our global footprint of data centers allows you to put your colocation where you need it to be.

Boosting Network Performance and Interconnection
with Colocation Solutions

From Colocation to Cloud

You can extend the lifetime of your infrastructure investments. Colohouse’s colocation services let you leverage plenty of cloud solutions that can help prolong the life of your servers. As you cycle servers out, you can migrate them to an OpEx-only cloud and avoid any future capital expenses. 

Ensuring Security and Compliance  

Our data center and cloud solutions go through enterprise-grade and mission-critical  annual audits that help our clients become and maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations, including SOC, HIPAA, and PCI.


Our service-level agreements include a 100% guarantee for power and network availability. 

Vast Footprint

We have several enterprise-grade data centers in various areas, which means there’s a good chance that we have a data center near your location.

The Power of Colocation Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery and colocation services are two crucial components of an organization’s IT infrastructure strategy that help ensure business continuity, data availability, and operational resilience in the face of unexpected events. Many tend to align disaster recovery with natural events, when in reality there are many non-physical threats, including (not limited to):
Human Error
Data Breaches
Remote Work Threats

When you combine colocation and disaster recovery services, organizations preserve data availability, minimize downtime, protect against data loss, and maintain resilience. Organizations that embrace the power of colocation disaster recovery are able to position themselves to their customers as having the ability to quickly recover from disruptions.


Find the location that’s right for you

With a footprint of diverse and flexible data center locations, our data centers meet the highest standards for security, compliance, and performance. With our strategically positioned facilities, we have a data center that is close to your physical location.

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