Disaster Recovery Start

Part 2: What is the difference between a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery plan? – Focus on Disaster Recovery

In a brand-new blog series, we will break down the difference between a Business Continuity Plan and a Disaster Recovery Plan. In part one, we covered Business Continuity, click here to read Part 1: What is the difference between a business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan? – Focus on Business Continuity

From natural disasters, disease pandemics, cyberattacks, and equipment failures, businesses can shift into crisis mode instantly. Today, almost all businesses depend on their data and connectivity to manage their operations. Any disruption could have a serious business consequence such as: 

– Data loss 
– Harming your reputation
– Fracturing your customer relationships
– Financial damage  

A Disaster Recovery Plan typically involves getting critical IT systems up-and-running after a disaster strike. A Disaster Recovery Plan needs to cover any possible scenario that threatens the availability of your IT infrastructure.

Unlike a Business Continuity Plan, Disaster Recovery solutions involve restoring IT support systems to ensure that all data and technology are accessible and recoverable. ColoHouse’s IT Disaster Recovery checklist takes you through the key points to consider in the event of a disaster.

If a disaster happens, the health, safety, and security of your team are your #1 priority to continue your operation. A natural disaster or a disease pandemic could make it necessary for employees to work remotely for an unknown amount of time.

Moving a business’s mission-critical data, IT resources or backup systems to a colocation data center is an attractive option for any business worried about business continuity if they are not able to access their servers.

What are the benefits of a Disaster Recovery Plan? 

The key advantage of having a Disaster Recovery Plan is having a recovery strategy in place before disaster strikes. This will save your business from financial losses. Frequent downtime can lead to distrust with your customers, and the cost of downtime is enough to make some companies to go out of business.

Another benefit of planning in advance is that businesses can recover quickly, minimizing customer downtime.

A Business Continuity Plan and a Disaster Recovery Plan both play an important role in ensuring your business can operate with minimal interruptions. Creating and regularly updating both your business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan is essential to business continuity. 

Getting Ready for the Unthinkable  

ColoHouse can serve as your primary or back up facility for your IT infrastructure needs. All of our facilities are carrier-neutral and geographically redundant across the globe. We are also located in several metro areas. During an emergency or natural disaster, ColoHouse is prepared and ready to execute our action plan. Staying up and running for our clients and their end-users is our #1 priority. 

Need help with a plan for your business? Please contact us on +1 305-731-2225 or fill in our contact form. Our team is happy to discuss your requirements to help you get the best solution for your business.

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