Critical Considerations for a Smart Data Center Selection

Picking the right place to house your data can be a make-or-break decision. Poorly located virtual infrastructure and data centers come with an unwelcome price tag of unplanned downtime – but, choosing wisely doesn’t have to feel like guesswork. Here are four tips for evaluating whether it’s worth relocating (or not).

When selecting a location for your data center, it’s critical to consider all the possibilities to ensure that business uptime is maximized, and costs are controlled. A careful selection of sites will not only protect sensitive information but also make sure you get longer-term use from your investment. But where should it be located? Picking the right location can make or break your operation’s success, so let’s take a deeper look at these important considerations!


When deciding on a data center location for your business, it’s essential to carefully consider the strengths and potential of your user market. What works best depends largely upon the scope and size of operations; those with localized customers may want to stick close by while more comprehensive businesses could benefit from multiple sites or global cloud resources. Ultimately, though distance can play an important factor in delivering fast file access which leads to customer satisfaction – so pick locations wisely!


Power is the lifeblood of data centers, where quality and capacity standards require a reliable and robust energy source. But with power comes cost – so finding an economical yet dependable one should be a top priority when selecting your facility. Before making any decisions, consider if there are multiple mature grids in possible locations: by analyzing these options you can extend to make sure that this costly resource doesn’t become too much of a burden.


With a carrier-neutral data center, customers have the benefit of direct access to multiple network providers and can quickly switch between them if needed. This ensures low latency networks that are highly reliable — plus improved operational efficiencies with better application uptime due to backup plans in case of failure. Ultimately, this makes for an efficient setup where you get top performance without any unnecessary disruption or delays.


As your business expands, it’s important to find a colocation provider that can keep up. Do they have the capacity and power needed? Have any of their customers gone through an expansion process before? What kind of support do they offer during setup and beyond, so you don’t get left behind in the dust as you grow? Get answers from talking with operations team members, technicians, or engineers—your future self will thank you for taking these steps now.

Finding the perfect location for a data center is an essential step in achieving reliability, efficiency, and success. Every situation is unique so thorough research always helps to ensure that all factors are considered before making any decisions Ultimately, selecting the right spot for your data center will prove critical to its long-term success.

Take the first step towards discovering what ColoHouse can do for you and your IT infrastructure. Email our team of experts today at to get a free consultation!

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