
How Does Colocation Fit Into your Digital Transformation Strategy?

Driven by transformative technology – businesses need to evolve to stay ahead of competitors. By embracing data center colocation, your business can update its IT infrastructure and determine how to use technology to improve its operations, processes and services.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is the strategic adoption of digital technologies to create or improve existing business processes, culture, customer and employee experiences in order to meet changing business and industry requirements. Digital transformation is not only focused on present business needs but also future needs.


Colocation has become a key component in a business digital transformation strategy. Without a secure, reliable connection to its customers, businesses are unable to deliver on their products and services. Which is why connectivity within the data center is essential. Data center interconnection provides access to multiple internet service providers. A carrier-neutral data center provides a broad range of connectivity options for businesses with access to internet exchanges and peering providers. By having access to many service providers, it allows a business to exhibit a strong presence both domestically and worldwide.

ColoHouse is closely working together with major internet exchanges worldwide to provide efficient point-to-point connectivity for our customers. With over 20+ carriers in-house, we help you customize your connectivity needs to best fit your business. Our colocation data centers provide access to premium carriers and our own house blended bandwidth to provide additional redundancy. We put you in contact with the partners and services you need in order to make your operations work at peak performance.

Enhancing Business Continuity

Today, every business decision around a digital transformation strategy is driven by data, as data is the lifeblood of any business. System outages can lead to situation from which it may be difficult to recover. A business would move to cloud, colocation, or managed services to provide redundancy to their infrastructure should a natural disaster, theft, outage or other factors outside of their control take place. Making colocation part of your digital transformation strategy allows you to have more control over the future of your business. By offloading unnecessary infrastructure tasks, colocation providers can work closely with businesses to create innovative services – and deploy them quickly.

Colocation Solutions

At ColoHouse, we understand that our services are the foundation of your digital business. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet your business needs. Whether it’s a few servers or a cage, ColoHouse’s data centers have options to grow with your business. Our team can help you maximize your space, power, and connectivity.

If your company is looking for professionals that can help elevate your digital transformation, our experts are happy to think along with you. Please contact us at or call: +1 305-731-2225.

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